Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Moratoriums from banks, government to expire, setting off new wave of default actions

WASHINGTON - -- Just as the nation's housing market has begun showing signs of stabilizing, another wave of foreclosures is poised to strike, possibly as early as this summer, inflicting new punishment on families, communities and the still-troubled national economy.Amid rising unemployment and falling home prices, mortgage loan defaults have surged to record levels this year. Until recently, many banks have put off launching foreclosure action on many troubled properties, in part because they had signed up for the home-stability plan from President Barack Obama's administration, which required them to consider the alternative of modifying loans to make it easier for borrowers to make payments.But with many government and self-imposed foreclosure moratoriums expiring, the biggest lenders indicate they are likely to move more aggressively to clear a backlog of troubled mortgages.Home sales have been steadying nationally, thanks largely to an abundance of cheap foreclosed properties, government incentives and record low mortgage rates. Housing construction starts have flattened out, helping to bring supply into balance with demand. The rate of housing price declines has slowed as well, even turning up again in some communities. But rising foreclosures will depress home values, pushing more homeowners underwater. Mark Zandi of Moody's Economy.com estimates that 15.4 million homeowners, about one in five of those with first mortgages, owe more on their homes than they are worth.Also, consumer confidence is already exceedingly low -- and another jolt to the housing market could further crimp spending, which has been pummeled by the deep recession and persistent weakness in the job market. The latest unemployment rate, for June, rose to 9.5 percent, and many analysts predict that it will keep rising until the middle of next year.The rapid pace of layoffs is of particular concern. Employers shed nearly a half-million payrolls in June. Homeowners who have lost jobs have little chance of getting their mortgages modified. That puts many homeowners on a collision course with banks that are preparing to take a more aggressive stance on loan modifications."Absolutely," said Chase spokesman Tom Kelly when asked about an impending spike in foreclosures.Since April 6, Chase said, it had approved modifying 138,000 loans under the Obama program. But an undisclosed number of other Chase borrowers didn't meet modification eligibility, and many of those homeowners face possible foreclosure.Separate from that group, Kelly said, Chase is proceeding to deal with an additional 80,000 default borrowers whose foreclosure process had been voluntarily halted by the lender starting late last year.Bank of America, the nation's largest servicer of home mortgages, also did not release the volume of likely foreclosures. The bank said it had extended offers to modify loans to more than 45,000 borrowers under the Obama plan. Bank of America spokesman Dan Frahm said the company was projecting a "slow increase" in the number of monthly foreclosures, potentially reaching 30 percent above previous normal levels.Just how big the foreclosure wave will be is unclear. Much will depend on how quickly lenders can push the process along. It generally takes three months to a year from the time a borrower receives a notice of default to a foreclosure sale, in which case the lender usually takes title of the property.Government and company reports show that the number of completed foreclosures nationwide slowed sharply late last year and into early this year, largely because of various moratoriums in effect during the first quarter.Recent reports hint at the next wave of foreclosures.In the first quarter, 1.8 million homeowners nationwide fell behind on their loans by 60 to 90 days, a 15 percent increase from the prior quarter, according to Economy.com. The research firm said that loan defaults rose sharply as well, to 844,000 in the first three months of this year.The Obama administration is racing to avert as many foreclosures as possible. So far, more than 240,000 distressed borrowers have been approved on a trial basis under the Home Affordable Modification Program, in which their loans are being reworked so monthly payments are targeted at 31 percent of their gross income, said Seth Wheeler, a senior adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner."We're very unlikely to implement another moratorium," Wheeler said but noted that the Treasury will monitor how many foreclosed homes are dumped into the market, suggesting officials could take other steps to prevent a flood of lender-owned properties. Source: Chicago Tribune

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